How do we teach students how to Overcome Obstacles?

How do we teach students how to Overcome Obstacles?

Middle School and High school is full of challenges for our teens. They are met every day with obstacles - friend relationships, schoolwork, sports, social media and family, yes…us too.

Who is giving these kids guidance with this? How are they being taught to overcome these hurdles? What tools are teens given as the embark daily through their own personal obstacle course?

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How is SEL is like the Periodic Table?
Briana Gallo Briana Gallo

How is SEL is like the Periodic Table?

Think of Community Core as your SEL periodic table, or toolbox. Our numerous tools and supporting materials help students and teachers build a solid SEL vocabulary. This is in turn helps instill community-building concepts into your classroom. We call this the Concept of Social and Emotional Learning.

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How to Reframe Mistakes with Social Emotional Exercises
Briana Gallo Briana Gallo

How to Reframe Mistakes with Social Emotional Exercises

Growing up we are always told, "Make mistakes, that is how you learn".

When you are little that is an OK thing to do but as you get older, pre-teen to full blown teenager a mistake can feel like social suicide. It's very important to help the teens in your life recognize that their mistakes do not define them.

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How can Community Core help me?
Briana Gallo Briana Gallo

How can Community Core help me?

Join the Community was created by a group of like-minded educators that see the value of Social and Emotional Learning in the classroom. Community Core is a set of lesson plans that help teachers bridge the gap between themselves and their students. Our lesson plans help teachers connect to their students in a way that allows the students feel safe. Community Core gives teachers the tools to create an emotional safe classroom.

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